Friday, January 20, 2012

2011 Halloween Costume- Ninja Turtle

This is Trent’s 2011 Costume! I didn’t get the step-by-step process, but by the pics you can kind of get an idea of how to make it.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Don't Worry Be Happy!!!

It has been a while since I have been on here! I have a lot of updating to do! The main reason why I am posting this here is because I wanted to it on facebook, but it was way to long.
Here is it, think about...
Each day I find that a friend or family memberhas stated that life isn't good. It saddens me. Why should we live life saddened or upset, life should be happy and fun, exciting and fulfilled. I know that it is hard sometimes to go thru life's challenges that make us weak or want to give up; it is important knowing that each day we choose to be happy or sad, to let things creep under our skin or we can be duck in water. Sometimes I think that people would rather be certain they are unhappy then risk being happy. We are and will become the environment that we are in. Look around you what don't you like? In order for life to change you have to want to make that change, it just doesn't happen. The only goal that you can't accomplish is the one you don't pursue. Nobody is going to do this for you. It sucks, but it is the truth. You can ask for help, but at the end it is up to you. Figure what you want out of life and go for it. Life can be what you want it to be!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Trents First Hair Cut!!

Trent had his first hair cut!
I was sad to cut the curls, but I can't believe how much older it made him look! My little baby is growing up!! He did a great job, no crying!! I didn't know what to expect, I was afraid he was going to not let her cut his hair! I was surprised to see that cutting the curls also cut the strawberry Blondie out, it looks more dirty blonde now. He was born with my dark hair, it fell out and grew in a bit dirty blonde/strawberry blonde.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Pikes Peak

This is my backyard view. My sister and her hubby went and hiked it today. I haven't acclimatized to the altitdue yet so I stayed home! Eventually I will be on Pikes Peak hiking like the best of them! I did join a running club. We meet every Thursday! I walked my first 5k!! So it's a start!! The weather is wonderful and I can't believe how much there is to do! So stay tuned everybody... This is going to be fun!!
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